• Stands and Brackets_

    Stands and Brackets

    R850.00 excl. VAT

Contact us

If you are interested in any of the products below please contact us for a quote.

Ecozeine Ozonator

Ecozeine Ozonator

Ozone an internationally used oxidant for the neutralisation of bacteria, viruses, odours, bad tastes, pollen and tobacco smoke, moulds, mildew, mite faeces and chemicals in the air we breathe.

OUTPUT = 350mg / Hour, AREA = 1 unit =300m3 (an average room of 10x10m). 100% safe

Can be set to operate in occupied and unoccupied areas = OPERATIONAL INTERVAL AND TIME SWITCHES – regulate according to the situation requirement.

Dust FILTER consumable – Protects dust contact with the Corona, -Increases the life of the unit. Filters to be changed monthly.100% South African - locally manufactured

Ecozeine Ozonator

Stands and Dispensers

Our stands for wipes and sanitisers have grown over the years, designed to dispense Sani-touch product only. Sani-touch has invested in over 5000 stands into the market over the past 15 years.

Sadly our stands are being used unlawfully to dispense other New wipes on the market. Please report misuse of Sani-touch stands to us.